Content Creation

The problem:

Creating and posting consistent, high-quality content is time-consuming. There’s loads of advice on which channels you should be posting it on. Being clear on who you’re targeting, and how your product helps allows you to create social media plans which are effective.

The DG difference:

Our team aren’t just planners, we’re doers. We have content creators for written, visual and video content in-house. We design and deliver social strategies which reach specific audiences and are designed to have impact.

Content Creation

A consistent flow of high-quality, targeted content. Blogs, whitepapers, videos and podcasts. We help brands create content which is relevant to their customers, useful to them and fits with your brand. Define what the content is, and have a plan to create it. Our clients get content that can be used across social media, websites and external media.

Social Media Content Planning

What? When? Where? Who? The right content, at the right time, on the right channel, aimed at the right audience. By answering the key questions we help clients go from ‘scattergun’ to a campaign. We build social media plans which leverage an organisation's content to deliver maximum results.

Organic Social Media Post-Scheduling

What to post, when to post, where to post. Creating a social media schedule which runs effectively, while allowing your team to do the high-value work makes your marketing budget go further. We help tech businesses with the nuts and bolts of social media - making the day-to-day happen. Delivering effective consistent communications across your social media channels.

Community Management

Social media is a two-way communication platform. Building active communities for tech businesses is a great way to engage your customers directly and influence interested customers. It’s also critical that social media communities are responded to. We work with businesses to create social media communities, managing responses, ensuring your community is engaged with, and active. Run well, a great community will grow your brand awareness and sales.

Influencer Management

You need to amplify your message beyond your network. Reach your target audience, and reach them faster than organic growth alone. We work with tech brands and influencers in their market to drive greater brand awareness and sales. Targetted, relevant and influential influencers who have evidence of selling into your market. This is influencer management that delivers impact.

LinkedIn Personal Brand

You need to reach your customers directly, on LinkedIn, people engage with individuals, not brands. You need consistent, regular communication and engagement. Digital Glue works with the senior individuals in your team and builds LinkedIn content and posting plans for them, which will reach, engage and drive sales with your target audience. We then deliver that plan so your team can focus on their key priorities.

60 Second Case Studies

Client :  JQ Bid

Brief :  Reactivate a dormant Instagram account and encourage new visitors to the JQ through socials posts.

Solution:  Create a content strategy aimed at reaching new audiences and growing the account, specifically through the use of video content.

Impact:  374 new followers in three months, 4,143 content interactions, 11.6K followers in total, 22,302 reach

Client :  Midven

Brief :  Support on social media in order to increase visibility, connect with its audience, and grow its network.

Solution:  Create a successful social media strategy and manage the account.

Impact:  62.2% follower growth, 161% engagement increase and 275% increase in web traffic.

Book a 15 minute call to see if we can help